Sisters and brothers there is an opportunity to participate in the Labour Community Advocate (LCA) Training Program levels 1 & 2 for January, 2013. The registration is now open registration form level 1 / registration form level 2. This program provides participants with information about the social issues faced by working people and the resources available in their community. Participants receive training in:
communication skills
Referral techniques.
Training in these areas provided union members with the skill need to assist their sisters and brothers find the appropriate resources in their time of need. The program also allows participants to explore the ways in which unions and other labour bodies can help build resilient and respectful communities. It will offer an opportunity for members from different unions affiliated to the Toronto and York region labour council (TYRLC) to meet and network locally while discussing their experiences and share ideas.
For your convenience the registration form is available for download in the links above. You may also go to the Labour Community Services website for more information.