GTA PRIDE Committee Virtual Meeting & Vote - June 10

June 13, 2020
Virtual, Toronto, ON (Map)



Welcome/Introductions (Jay) 5 minutes


Minutes from previous meeting (see attached) (Jay/Dave) 5 minutes

Accept Agenda (Jay) 5 minutes


LGBT2+ Ontario Council Rep Report (Ann Marie) 10 minutes

PSAC Staff Rep Report (Steve) 10 minutes


Fundraising Project Updates:

Coloring book (Steve filling in for Netta) 5 minutes


A Vote to update the definition of Quorum in the Terms of Reference. (Steve) 5 minutes


Quorum is at least four people: 1 to nominate, 1 to second, 1 candidate and someone voting

HEALTH BREAK (5 minutes)


Finance (Jay) (5 minutes)

Virtual Pride Event Update (All) 5 minutes


Elections (Steve) 10 minutes  


Next meeting date- October 21, 2020 (All) 5 minutes


Roundtable (All) 15 minutes

Adjourn (Jay)



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Toll-free number: (844) 259-7596, access code: 165143472 (Dial-in Number)                            English (United States)  

Toll number:         +1 204-815-1807, access code: 165143472 (Dial-in Number)                  English (United States)  


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Conference ID: 165143472 (same as access code above)

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Hope to see you there,


Steve Khan

Toronto Regional Representative

Preferred Pronouns: he/him

Public Service Alliance of Canada

90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 608

Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3



Phone: 416-358-0271
