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Unions and Collective Bargaining

  1. Unionization, what is it all about?

    Unions are legal entities whose role and responsibility is to negotiate collective agreements on behalf of their membership and represent their members when the collective agreement is breached.

    PSAC/USGE provides support to its members not only through grievance representation, but also through labour-management consultations locally, regionally and nationally. These are fora where non-collective agreement issues can be addressed and resolved.

1. Where do I send the appeal?

You can send an appeal via email to SSO at: statcan.ssopayequityoesequitesalariale.statcan@canada.ca

2. If I don’t have access to a computer or email address what should I do?

You can send it in the mail using the below address:

Statistics Canada
25 St Clair Ave E 5th Floor
Toronto ON M4T 1M4
Attn: SSO Pay Equity Unit

3. Who should be cc’d on the appeal?

Please cc classification@psac-afpc.com 

Government is rushing the $35 Billion project

The Finance Minister has said he would like the new Canada Infrastructure Bank up and running by the end of 2017. Operational details for the project were only included in the recently-tabled Budget Implementation Act, and the government has already begun a recruitment drive for the Bank’s leadership.

What is it?

The Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) would be located in Toronto and create a one-stop shop for new infrastructure funding, pooling investments from large investors with a small amount of seed funding granted from the Government of Canada. This approach deliberately creates huge returns for private investors, while driving up the cost of public projects and giving up important public control. 

Nelson Mandela International Day, also known as Mandela Day, is held on July 18th each year the day Nelson Mandela was born. The day acknowledges Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.

The United Nations has joined the call by the Nelson Mandela Foundation to devote 67 minutes of time to helping others, as a way to mark Nelson Mandela International Day.

The new collective agreements for three of the Treasury Board units are now available:

Our bargaining team met with the employer this week from July 11- 13, in Ottawa. 

The meetings provided us with an opportunity to clarify our position on a number of our proposals, including Maternity and Parental Leave, Injury on Duty Leave and Family-Related Responsibilities Leave.  We also worked to strengthen the language of our Appendix “K”, Work Force Adjustment (WFA) provisions.
