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Our bargaining team met with SSO during the week of May 1. The team started the week in caucus, where we had planned to review SSO’s proposals, but unfortunately the documents provided by our employer contained many errors and lacked clarity. This made it impossible for us to do our work of analyzing their proposals.

Tuesday, we were pleased to meet all members of the employer’s bargaining team. We communicated the problems with their proposals and the lack of professionalism this demonstrated. In response they requested the rest of the day to review their proposals, but first, SSO’s Director General Geoff Bowlby presented us with an overview of SSO operations.

After pressure from PSAC, the government agreed to compensate federal public service employees, with tax problems caused by the Phoenix pay system, for up to $200 per year of tax advisory services.

The claim and release form is strictly restricted to tax advisory services for the tax years 2016 and 2017.

Our bargaining team met with the Agency on May 2, 3 and 4.

We tabled a pay proposal to mirror what was achieved at the core public administration. This includes market and wage adjustments, grid restructuring and harmonization. We expect a full response from the Agency when we meet again.

Greetings, This year’s National Public Service Week (NPSW) will be held from June 11-17, 2017. At a time when our members are stressed and struggling with financial uncertainty, due to the Phoenix pay system, it is difficult to justify employer-sponsored activities. PSAC members are on the front-lines of delivering and protecting public services, and yet many continue to struggle with improper pay. I urge all Locals to hold your own member appreciation events for NPSW and continue our campaign to #FixPhoenix. Contact your nearest PSAC Regional office to help plan your activities.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is participating on the Diversity and Inclusion Joint Union/Management Taskforce. The Taskforce’s mandate is to define diversity and inclusion in the Public Service, establish a case for diversity and inclusion, and develop a framework and action plan. There are equal employer and union representatives on this taskforce.
