WHAT IS A GRIEVANCE? A grievance is simply a written complaint....IF...... the contract is violated....OR...the member has been treated unfairly. On this course, participants will learn: 1 ….. There are four kinds of grievances: ADJUDICATION STAFF RELATIONS CLASSIFICATION NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL (NJC) 2 ….. The role of the Union Steward in grievances from INTERVIEWING THE GRIEVOR (STEWARD FACT SHEET...info the steward must obtain)…...PRESENTING THE CASE TO MANAGEMENT…..MANAGEMENT'S ARGUMENTS…..to…WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 3 ….. Filling in the grievance form.....investigating a case ...grievance time limits....what grievances can go to adjudication under the PSLRA. “NEW TRAVEL POLICY” For this course, Saturday and Sunday…. Participants who live 60 km or less from course location are entitled to claim $50 per day to offset the cost of transportation, parking and lunches. Participants who live more than 60km up to and including 150km from course location, are entitled to claim mileage for transportation for one round trip plus $50 per day for any other costs OR they can claim costs incurred for regional public transit with receipts plus $50 per day for any other costs.(Municipal/local public transit is not covered). Pre-authorization by Regional Office to attend the course. Participants who live more than 150km and less than 300km from course location will be reimbursed in accordance with the PSAC Travel Policy for meals, transportation, accommodation (Saturday night only) and incidentals, provided they have been pre-authorized by the Regional Office, the Regional Education Officer and the Regional Coordinator to attend the course. Family Care costs will be reimbursed (receipt required and form to be completed available on course); loss of salary for shift workers will also be reimbursed (copy of authorized shift schedule required, attendance is approved by local, in advance, and must hold a position in local relevant to course. – claim to be completed on course) PRE-REGISTRATION is a must....course will be cancelled if there are insufficient members registered and only those registered will be advised of any cancellation. REGISTRATION FORM ATTACHED. Return to eatonl@psac.com or fax to 519-659-1132