National Public Service Week will be taking place this year from June 9 - 15, 2013.
At the 2012 PSAC National Convention, members voted to boycott National Public Service Week events given the massive cuts taking place in our workplaces and this Conservative government’s disregard for the work that we do.
With continued attacks against us, your entire PSAC leadership has unanimously endorsed a continuation of our boycotting of National Public Service Week events.
This is particularly important given this Government’s recent announcements, including:
This is on top of the nearly 20,000 affected notices our membership have received and the toxic work environment this has created.
It is important members reflect on these actions and take a stand by not participating in a hypocritical event by an employer that has shown its workers nothing but disrespect.
Let us stand together in this act of resistance to show our resolve.
In Solidarity,
Sharon DeSousa,
PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President - Ontario