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As PSAC members head back to the bargaining table with the federal government, the union is expanding its ad campaign calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make good on his word.

The union is asking Mr. Trudeau to live up to his election promise to be a partner, rather than an adversary, to federal workers.

“In the last election, Canadians rejected the Harper Conservative agenda of cuts to public services,” said Robyn Benson, National President of PSAC. “But our members, and all Canadians, have not seen the change promised by the Liberals.”

PSAC Ontario has over 5,000 members who are academic workers at Queen’s University, Western University and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. We are fully in support of universal access to education, education justice and public education for the public good.

Education is a right. Access to it should not be discriminatory due to class, origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity or orientation, age, religious affiliation, political beliefs, ability or family status. 

The Liberal government is following the Conservatives’ lead by introducing legislation that will allow employers to reduce pension benefits.

Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, had its first reading in the House of Commons last week.

A target benefit pension plan is a big gamble

This bill will allow employers to shift from good, defined benefit plans that provide secure and predictable pension benefits, into the much less secure form of target benefits.

Unlike a defined benefit plan, where the employer and employees contribute and retirees know how much they can expect when they retire, the amount you receive under a target benefit pension plan is just that, a target. Meaning, the plan aims to give you a certain pension benefit, but there’s no guarantee.

The Phoenix pay system has created serious financial consequences and significant stress for many federal public service workers.

In the wake of our campaign to #FixPhoenix, the government has agreed to compensate public service workers for Phoenix-related losses.

If you have incurred out-of-pocket expenses because of incomplete or inaccurate pay with Phoenix, you can file a claim.

•             The claim process and forms can be found on the Phoenix website

Not satisfied with Phoenix Claims Process? Do not sign departmental release

On November 2, 2016, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) will be holding a Day of Action to demand universal access to education.

Students are mobilizing across Canada to make post-secondary education universally accessible to all; removing financial barriers that burden students and stop many from attending.

Sign the Pledge!

Today, students on average graduate with over $28,000 of education-related debt after an undergraduate degree and the amount owed to the Canada Student Loan Program is over $19 billion.

Our five bargaining teams will be back at the table with Treasury Board between November 1 and November 7 to resume negotiations for new collective agreements.

Revised mandate

Treasury Board has indicated that they have a revised mandate on some of the key issues in this round of bargaining.

Make Good on Your Word campaign

This comes at a time when PSAC has intensified our public outreach and advertising campaign, Make Good on Your Word, calling on Justin Trudeau to make good on his promise to respect public services and the people who provide them.  
