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The Commissionaires, with support of a couple PSAC Local 901 members and the local Kingston and Islands NDP candidate Daniel Beals, handed out flyers outlining their struggle with the Corps of Commissionaires for a fair sick leave program. 

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

Your PSAC Ontario Council has created a quick, 5 minute, online survey to get your feedback on Council’s priorities.

We are asking all members to take a moment to fill out this survey, so that we are better able to serve PSAC Ontario’s 30,000 members.

The survey can be found online here: http://goo.gl/forms/YfkQdQZWZt

The survey will be open till September 30, 2015.

In Solidarity,

PSAC Ontario Council Representatives

PSAC’s request to the courts to stop the government from implementing its new sick leave plan will go before the court in October.

After consulting with the parties, the Ontario Superior Court has set out a timetable for both sides to present their arguments. The parties will exchange documents in September and October, with a court hearing to be held on October 29.

Members, particularly those who work for the Government of Canada, have asked us if they can share PSAC’s Vote to Stop the Cuts advertising material through social media.

Freedom of expression

Union members and all employees have a right to freedom of expression protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even if they work for the federal government.  Expressing political opinions or sharing political content on social media is a form of political expression and is protected by the Charter. Online political expression does not benefit from any greater or any less protection than other forms of political expression. As a public service worker, you have the right to share content from our campaign on Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts as long as you do so outside your hours of work and you don’t use the employer’s equipment. 

However, these rights are not absolute, so please consider the following carefully before you post, share, or tweet.

One of the hallmarks of a healthy democracy is the ability of citizens to participate freely and actively in determining who they elect to govern and make decisions on their behalf.

PSAC members are encouraged to take an active role in exercising their democratic political rights by:

Due to changes in the Elections Canada Act, it's important that every member check that they are registered to vote in the federal election on October 19th. 
